
The Arizona Corporation Commission makes this material available on the internet as a public service. Any material provided in this website is provided solely for informational purposes. None of this website's content - including but not limited to the FAQs and any documents - comprises the official record of any of the dockets or of the Commission and no express or implied warranties are provided here. While the Arizona Corporation Commission makes best efforts to ensure that the content of this site is accurate and current, it makes no claims, guarantees or promises about the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information and is not responsible for any errors or completeness of the information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained from any search used from this website.

Furthermore, copies or printed versions of any of the documents contained on this website are not represented to be official documents. If any discrepancy should exist between a version of a document on the website and the official version, the official version shall govern. Official documents can be obtained by directly contacting the Arizona Corporation Commission's Docket Control office.

REMINDER: ALL documents submitted for filing in Docket are public records and will be available and viewable for public inspection at Docket Control and on the internet. As such, we remind filers that it is their responsibility to ensure all information of a personal or confidential nature is submitted in redacted form. Please contact Docket Control with questions on how to provide confidential material.